Jeux de reflets et de la vitesse

Jeux de reflets et de la vitesse

Jeux de reflets et de la vitesse


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 Live Recording from Wilfried Kaets

Short and Sweet

Film experiment of “cinema pur,” in which Henri Chomette sent light rays through rapidly moving crystals and captured their fleeting reflections.


The images race by ever faster. The eye follows, along railway tracks, through dark tunnels, and then steeply, like in a free fall. The sequences escalate into a true frenzy of speed in Henri Chomette’s work, and the music mirrors this, becoming increasingly suggestive, harsher, faster, and more frenzied.

To complement the various films, diverse and differently scored soundscapes were created: sometimes poetic, sometimes wildly eruptive, sometimes relaxed, or provocatively dadaistic in tango style. Typically, these soundscapes run as synchronously as they do asynchronously, as accompanying as they are contrapuntal, created from the graphical structures of the films (using computer programs that translate graphic sketches into sound) or completely disjointed.

They are as meaning-laden as they are steeped in nonsense…!
