Joyless Street

Joyless Street

Short and Sweet

A cross-section of human destinies in Vienna during the inflationary period: In Melchiorgasse, misery and luxury are close together. Here, losers and winners, prostitutes and entrepreneurs, matchmakers and speculators meet. The butcher only gives out his goods in exchange for sexual services. The seamstress runs a club where she pairs young, pretty girls with men. A man who wants to make a fortune on the stock exchange flirts with a wealthy woman.

His former lover, now herself the mistress of a rich businessman, murders the woman out of jealousy. A councilor loses all his money on the stock exchange. His daughter ends up in the seamstress’s brothel. And in the end, the brutal butcher also meets his death, killed by a starving mother.

“The Joyless Street” is a film by director Georg Wilhelm Pabst, made in 1925 in Germany. It is the most famous adaptation of a work by Hugo Bettauer and one of the first films associated with the “New Objectivity” movement. One of the great classics of German silent cinema, it is the only film that the silent film stars Asta Nielsen and Greta Garbo made together: “The Joyless Street” addresses the inflationary period of the 1920s and is one of the most censored films in cinema history.


New Music for Piano and Cinema Organ by Wilfried Kaets. Alternative Music for Solo Piano. The music employs a range of old and new harmonic, rhythmic, melodic, and timbral compositional techniques. It enhances, through its own dynamic layer, the internally turbulent process that simmers beneath the superficially objective surface of human and social structures. The focus is less on happy-ending music and more on social critique using cinematic and audiophile means.

Neue Musik für Klavier und Kinoorgel von Wilfried Kaets. Alternative Musik für Klavier solo.